Option 1 – can be done individually or teams of 2 or 3
Develop an outline for a nonprofit NGO.
Select 1 specific issue
Develop a complete outline for a new, fictional organization
Use the info and skills from each class.
Option 2 – can be done individually or teams of 2 or 3
Research 2-4 organizations working on one issue.
Focus on administration and management issues that we focus on in class.
Presentation in class 10:
10-12 minutes for 1 person / 20-24 min for a pair / 30-36 min for a trio
introduce your outline
cover all aspects
* powerpoint or handouts should be sent via email by Thirsday night before the class.
* Final Project/presentation ideas: please work on your ideas a bit more.
please try to define before class 4. we will also have progress check
in class 6.
* Remember the project will not focus on the problem but org mgt issues.
You can select option 1 or 2 - but for option #1 you will need to be
in direct contact with orgs to get detailed information.